sarah apple
sarah apple

I am the Margaret Mead of fairies. I am educated as a cultural anthropologist and librarian by trade, with a short career in print journalism as the razzle dazzle.

Fairies have been the path to finding magic in this pedantic and often very grown-up-boring world. I began a daily practice of making and placing a fairy in nature (wherever I find myself) on January 1, 2017. I haven’t missed a day, and life has been really full and hard at times — just like everyone else’s. The marking of my days with magic and pause has created space for my heart to relax. It has saved me — if not my mortal life, it has saved my soul.

Daily episodes like mini soap operas are found here for you — the result of forcing myself outside to seek and record the small habitats and big thoughts of fairies who live under our busy feet.

I published a book chronicling 2018, and I would urge you to buy it, but it is sold out. I made another one in 2021. Now it is sold out, too.

Every story is from my life. If I have loved you, or still love you, you are in these stories. I drop tags on the stories. These are breadcrumbs for those who are so inclined to follow them to see if they are, indeed, a muse. You are a muse. I promise.

I’ve always wanted to be on a game show where they ask to see the contents of my purse, and then I reveal my life through this. I hate purses, but I carry a backpack these days.

Inside? Today I have a little box full of roasted, unsalted nuts, a chapstick without a lid, a safety pin, one fairy-sized rotary-dial telephone, three black pens, a notebook with non-sequiturs and secrets, and a croissant in a greasy brown bag.

I am taking a break from daily art, and creating an art vacuum to see what pops up next. I miss the fairies. I think I’ll be back in their world soon enough. First, I have to move across the country. xoxox

Drop me a line.